(bukan gambar sebenar)
Sedih dan rasa tak percaya bahawa wujudnya golongan anak-anak tanggang versi moden seperti ini. Tak sedarkah mereka bahawa orang tua itu yang membesarkan mereka dulu? Ish. Jadi marah pulak!
Menerusi status facebook Syed Azmi, dia memberitahu bahawa sekarang ini memang ramai yang meninggalkan ibu-bapa mereka di hospital kerajaan di musim perayaan.
Lelaki ini beri peluang warga tua hubungi siapa yang mereka mahu & ini hasilnya…
The last time I did this I offered the elderly if I can call anyone for them. I heard the conversation and its the saddest phone calls.
One uncle calls his siblings asking for forgiveness. Crying slowly but simply just to say I am sorry on Raya day.
One lady calls her daughter, Datanglah Su, mak ada hadiah (referring a nice brooch I got for her)
One lady calls her neighbour asking how is she and ask her to take care of herself.
Pak Cik ini hubungi…
The last phone call was by this quiet man. He said he wish to dial himself. He calls and talks to 5 of his children. But when I check my phone, he didn’t call anyone, he just act it out as if he is talking to his children. But its actually no one.
When I went out from the ward, I make a voicemail message. I went to the pakcik and said “ada orang nak cakap dengan pakcik” and handed him my phone and on my voicemail. The voicemail said “Ramai sayang ayah. Percayalah ye! Selamat Hari Raya!”.
He looked at me and smile. He is the only patient I Salam and cium tangan in hari Raya. That was my last hospital visit. Never again. Now u understand?
note: gambar sebenar pak cik itu tidak diambil kerana melanggar polisi hospital. Jika anda berminat untuk melawat warga tua di hospital kerajaan di hari raya, anda boleh hubungi Syed Azmi untuk mengetahui cara-caranya.