Apabila berlaku satu insiden di mana seorang pemilik kereta melanggar kereta pemilik yang lain tanpa sengaja, pasti mereka akan cuba menyelesaikan dengan cara yang baik.
Di Facebook Tong Yee, lelaki ini berkongsi kisah mengenai seorang pemandu yang sangat bertanggungjawab kerana meninggalkan sekeping nota di keretanya selepas kemalangan tersebut berlaku.
Take your time
Yesterday after an early morning breakfast meeting, I walked back to car to find a small slip of paper on windscreen. After getting over ticket trauma, I realized it was a note to say someone dented my car. I went to inspect and hatchback was dented with soil on bumper and around the dent. I only had time to contact the person today. The exchange is below. But I want to say.
Dearest Shamsul, I have not met you yet but I want to say that you really encouraged me. I’ve been quite stressed recently. But you brought me a release that I needed. I will do my utmost in making sure you are honored for your integrity. And if you really are a foreign national working here, then bless you. It’s a privilege to have you working with us. Grateful for you. And I will do my utmost in making sure your time with us is honored.
Menurut Tong Yee, selepas pulang dari sarapan pagi semalam, dia ternampak sekeping nota kecil di cermin hadapan keretanya. Tambahnya, dia sedar bahawa seseorang telah melanggar keretanya dan meninggalkan nota tersebut. Oleh kerana terlalu sibuk, dia bertindak menghubungi pemandu tersebut hari ini.
Jelasnya lagi, dia berasa sangat gembira dan bersyukur apabila dapat bersembang dengan pemandu tersebut yang dikenali sebagai Shamsul. Tong Yee memberitahu bahawa lelaki itu seorang yang bertanggungjawab dan berterus terang. Ini kerana, dia mengaku tentang kesalahan yang dilakukan serta jujur mengenai pendapatannya. Susulan daripada itu, Tong Yee telah memberi ruang dan masa buat Shamsul untuk membayar kos pembaikian tersebut. Di samping itu, dia turut mengajak Shamsul untuk makan malam.
Belajar dari bapa
Met with Shamsul this morning for breakfast. His full name is Shamsul Osman and he is a Malaysian working here in Singapore. Although he seemed to like his new name Car Dude. Lol. He shared that his values were taught by his father and he genuinely believes in taking responsibility. And that doing good will always return to each of us somehow. We ate Mee Rebus and talked. I shared the good news that no costs at all were needed. Some repair shops offered to repair at cost and another even offered to do it free.
Others had offered to pay for him as they had met other drivers who showed them grace and would like to pay it forward. And yes, others have stepped in to offer to pay on his behalf. We spoke about it and agreed that I would go to the repair shop that offered repairs at cost, to also honor those who repair cars. Will return any donations offered so far. And I would pay the leftover cost myself. Shamsul is grateful to the many Singaporeans that reached out. Shamsul has offered to bring me to his fathers nasi lemak stall when I’m in KL. Really happy to do so when I travel up to visit my Father in law.
Terbaru, Tong Yee telah memuat naik beberapa foto bersama Shamsul ketika mereka berjumpa antara satu sama lain. Ujarnya, Shamsul merupakan warganegara Malaysia yang bekerja di Singapura. Tambahnya, Shamsul seorang anak yang baik kerana sentiasa mengikut didikan bapanya. Tingkah lakunya yang meninggalkan nota itu juga merupakan hasil didikan bapanya sejak kecil.
Tong Yee turut memberitahu kisahnya bersama Shamsul ini mampu dijadikan pengajaran buat semua. Sebagai manusia, sikap bertanggungjawab dan berterus terang perlu ada dalam diri meskipun apa jua situasi.
Sumber: Tong Yee