Telah menjadi viral di laman media sosial sejak beberapa hari lalu mengenai ibu bapa mengeluh anak-anak mereka diarah untuk duduk di atas lantai pada hari pertama persekolahan.
Artikel Berkaitan : “Aku Kecewa Ibubapa Yang Sombong & Selfish”- Luahan Geram Guru Untuk Ibubapa ‘Complain’ Murid Duduk Atas Lantai
Berbagai-bagai jenis reaksi netizen terhadap isu tersebut, tapi perlian daripada Izyan Izdihar Shaarani paling win! Ibu bapa yang berkenaan mesti akan sentap dengan 9 cadangan wanita ini.
1. Provide 1000 foldable chairs and store them at teachers’ house since schools’ store cannot keep all
2. Make sure schools have like 50 elevators
3. Ignore students who don’t complete the homeworks
4. Forgive all the students who biadap. Indulge that.
5. Your own children can always wait at their school. It is okay if they were kidnapped. You are just a teacher anyway.
6. Do not hit, beat, slap, punch, kick or even use any harsh word to your students…their parents will definitely advice them and they will change soon.
7. Do your work until your last drop of blood because your salary is paid by the parents who pay tax, while you don’t.
8. Don’t worry if your students don’t pay attention. Let them play. Their parents would teach them personally at home.
9. Please make sure teachers have medical insurance