Di Facebook, seorang pemilik homestay menerima padah apabila sekumpulan individu meninggalkan rumah dalam keadaan yang paling kotor dan ngeri. Lebih menjijikkan, terdapat kesan najis ditemui di atas tilam rumah tersebut.
Budaya ini harus dihentikan
A wake-up call to all Homestay operators and hosts. In hard times during a pandemic like this we all know that hospitality and tourism sectors are affected badly. We are all going through tough times together, but it is sad to see “people” like this with no regards or empathy towards others. Its not the first time this had happened, and I know doing this business we have to risk issues like this. But this “culture” should no longer be kept in the dark.
Even though through verbal and written warning, -No smoking, -No partying, people like you still do it. You looked decent in your WhatsApp profile photo, and I choose to trust you will keep your promise to keep the house clean and manageable, but when housekeeping opened the door, it seems that I have let some wild animal into the house. Sometimes you guys feel that you are discriminated when homestay hosts sound offensive by asking “what’s the purpose of stay?” “how many people?” “can I have your IC?” “deposit RM200 is required” etc.
You think we are being discriminative but, we have been hit so many times by this issue to the extend its traumatic. Things always happen for a reason. Year 2020 is already a bad year, do not make it worst by exhibiting this destructive and barbaric culture. To other hosts and operators please stay strong during this period, its ok to be cautious towards “suspicious” guests and always remember it’s not worth the money to risk hosting them, as you may end up losing more money for cleaning and repairs. As for you Ar*** and friends, you guys should really be ashamed of yourselves. This behavior is repulsive and a proper human being with a sound mind would not do this. There is feces on the bed, only a wild deranged animal will poop on the bed.
Menurut pemilik homestay, salah satu risiko yang paling besar buat mereka adalah berdepan dengan sikap penghuni yang tidak tahu menjaga kebersihan rumah sewaktu meninggalkannya. Tambahnya, mereka seolah tidak mendengar arahan yang telah ditetapkan oleh pemilik. Bahkan, penghuni turut menganjurkan parti ketika menghuni di kediaman tersebut.
Di samping itu, pemilik homestay turut berkongsi beberapa foto di mana tukang cucinya terkejut melihat banyak tin dan botol minuman alkohol, puntung rokok termasuk najis dibiarkan begitu sahaja ketika penghuni meninggalkan kediamannya. Jelasnya, budaya seperti ini harus dihentikan apatah lagi negara sudah berada pada tahun 2020. Pemilik homestay tersebut turut meninggalkan pesanan buat semua masyarakat agar menjaga tingkah laku dan menganggap homestay yang disewa sebagai rumah sendiri ketika menghuni.
Tempah untuk kawan
Susulan daripada kes tersebut, seorang individu telah menghantar kiriman Whatsapp kepada pemilik homestay berkenaan. Individu tersebut memohon maaf dan memberitahu dia sekadar melakukan tempahan buat rakannya untuk menginap di kediaman tersebut. Jelasnya lagi, rakannya kesal dengan sikap yang ditunjukkan dan meminta pemilik untuk menyimpan duit deposit sebanyak RM200 itu.
Sumber: klshortstay-subangusj