Kontroversi hangat yang melanda Haneesya Hanee telah menyebabkan pihak produksi menarik balik gelaran Dewi Remaja yang dimenangi. Ini sekaligus menjadikan Haneesya dewi paling singkat dalam sejarah.
Diana Danielle yang juga pernah melalui fasa dikritik semasa awal pembabitan dalam industri seni memberi kata-kata semangat buat remaja tersebut.
Dengar ramai orang bercakap tentang dia
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We’ve prolly never met tapi even before this I’ve heard many people rave about her, ramai cakap she’s a lot like my bestie @iman.m.o.y. She’s a young’un, 19 years of age with so much to offer.
Kami mungkin tak pernah jumpa sebelum ini tetapi saya dengar ramai orang bercakap mengenainya. Ramai cakap dia macam kawan baik saya. Dia masih muda, baru berusia 19 tahun.
Teringat dulu masa saya 14 tahun
I remember being so young, entering this industry full time, wanting to become a “real” actor (big dreams), and at 14, a picture was exposed of me having a good time at a pool party (it was so harmless, we were all besties from highschool celebrating Iman’s birthday at her house).
So those pool pictures leaked out, all of the sudden everyone had a diff idea of me, the media and fans gave me a lot of heat, producers giving out warnings, haters loving the moment…. from that moment on it was as if “controversy” followed me wherever i went, there was always bad press on me.
Ingat lagi dulu sewaktu masih muda, bercita-cita tinggi ceburkan diri dalam bidang seni untuk jadi pelakon. Dan masa umur 14 tahun, gambar sedang perparty di pool tersebar (sambutan majlis hari jadi rakan baik di rumahnya).
Selepas gambar tersebar, tiba-tiba semua orang memandang serong kepada saya. Media dan peminat beri kritikan, penerbit beri amaran. Bermula dari itu, macam-macam kontroversi melanda saya.
Saya ‘bolayankan’
I guess I carried a certain “image” after that day. I tetap “bolayankan”, but then other things happened throughout my teenhood/adulthood, I pernah hilang jobs, contracts cancelled (and theyre not small contracts, they were HUGE deals) because of my “behaviour” & rebellion.
Still, mak “bolayankan” kata orang, I was used to rejection since i started as an advertisement baby (very competitive field) and I betulkan kesilapan dan kekurangan I, thickened my skin and I kept working and working and working til today.
Rasanya saya dah bawa ‘imej’ tertentu pada waktu itu. Saya tetap ‘bolayankan’. Macam-macam yang berlaku, saya pernah hilang kerja, kontrak dibatalkan (bukan projek kecil tetapi besar) disebabkan ‘perangai’ saya.
Saya percaya rezeki tak pernah salah
That’s just what u need to do in d public eye, you’ll lose jobs and titles whatever. I strongly believe that my rezeki will never leave me and if it’s not meant to be mine, kejar gimana pun sih ngak bisa diaturrrr dong.
I’ll allow myself to cry, then pick myself up and go thru it humbly, remembering that there are certain things I need to adhere to as a public figure, that cultural differences need to be taken into account (being a mixed kid can suck cause of the apparent differences in culture and upbringing), and to keep going out of our comfort zone in order to overcome unpleasant things.
Itulah yang kamu perlu buat di mata awam. Kamu hilang kerja, gelaran dan macam-macam lagi. Saya percaya rezeki tak pernah salah, kalau sudah ditakdirkan bukan milik saya, kejar gimana pun sih ngak bisa diaturrrr dong.
Saya menangis selepas itu saya bangkit. Itulah cabaran yang saya perlu lalui sebagai anak seni. Mengambil kira percampuran budaya sebagai seorang yang berdarah kacukan juga kadang kala menyulitkan keadaan.
All the best dear
All the best dear, this is a late post, I see that you hit a tiny incy wincy yellow polka dot bump, but that youre also truly a beauty with talent. Shine gorl shiiine.
P.S: the peeps who love and support you will always appreciate what u have to offer… the rest is just Yin&Yang
Selamat maju jaya. Saya tahu awak sedang lalui dugaan yang sangat besar tapi awak cantik dan ada bakat yang besar. Bersinarlah!
Sumber : Diana Danielle