Teringat lagi masa kecil-kecil dulu suka main buai sambil nyanyi lagu ‘aku nak kahwin dengan anak raja’. Tapi, sayangnya mungkin Neelofa yang bertuah dapat bersuamikan kaum kerabat kan.
Walaupun gosip tersebut masih enggan dijawab oleh pengacara cantik ini, ramai peminatnya memang teruja untuk menantikan penjelasan daripada mulut Neelofa sendiri.
Ha… tapi apa yang lebih menarik, pagi ni Neelofa ada memuat naik pesanan paling sweet untuk anaknya kelak. Eh.. da macam ada bau nasi minyak je ni.. Huhu.
things i want to tell my future daughter :) . . .just be a nice person. It’s really that simple, my love. The world has plenty of people who are filled with angst and hate. But don’t be one of those people.
Be someone who can light up a room with their smile, lend a helping hand whenever possible, treat others with respect, and be comfortable enough with yourself to bring others up even if they try to bring you down . . .
Don’t be afraid to peruse your passions, try new things, see new places, set goals, fail, learn, or grow. YOU are in charge of your life story, no one else. So make sure you’re living it for yourself and it’s a story worth reading. . .
Any struggle, heartbreak, or obstacle, will also pass. You may feel like your world is crumbling all around you and you’ll never be able to move forward.
But I promise you. . . you’re strong, you’re capable, and you will persevere. You know how I know that? Because you’re one tough cookie!
Just like your mom, and her mom, and hers before that. Enjoy the ride sweetheart, it’s all part of the beautiful journey. . . .one last thing to my beautiful, smart, sensational daughter that I haven’t even met yet.
Always remember two of the most important things in your life: yourself and your family. There is no love like the love you should have for yourself and that of your family.
Never forget Allah is always by your side, He loves you more than i could love you..Remember that and you will be just fine. – your momma
Wah.. Sweetnya lah pesanan Neelofa untuk anaknya kan. Menerusi pesanan ini, kami percaya yang Neelofa bakal menjadi seorang ibu yang baik. Anak itu anugerah Allah SWT, sudah semestinya perlu dijaga dan dibimbing ke jalanNYA sebaik mungkin.
Tiba-tiba kami tengah membayangkan macam mana agaknya gabungan wajah anak Neelofa dengan bakal suaminya itu nanti? Mesti comel kan?