Terbaru, muncul beberapa golongan liberal anti-Islam tidak bersetuju dengan penamaan Dr Maszlee Malik sebagai Menteri Pendidikan. Tambahan pula, golongan ini telah mewujudkan petisyen secara online bagi membantah perlantikan Dr Maszlee Malik memegang jawatan tersebut.
Artikel berkaitan: Siti Kasim Wujudkan Petisyen Online Bantah Penamaan Menteri Pendidikan?
Bagaimanapun, senario ini telah mengundang beberapa pendapat peribadi individu termasuk pelakon Sasha Saidin. Ini pendapat peribadi Sasha Saidin bersetuju terhadap penamaan dan perubahan yang bakal dibawa oleh Dr Maszlee Malik.
Saya amat mengagumi dia
Our new education minister, Dr @maszlee Malik or as I call him Ustaz Maszlee. I first met Dr Maszlee when I attended an international Islamic conference and was drawn to one local speaker in particular who was Dr Maszlee. During his talk he spoke of compassion for others and had a jovial vibe about him. Later whilst having lunch with other invitees, I happened to be seated at the table with Dr Maszlee and his wife and after a good hour of deep conversation I was cordially invited to their home for their weekly usrah. The thing that made me keen to attend Dr Maszlee’s usrah was that on that first meeting him and his wife did not judge me and accepted my opinions on spiritual matters. For the next few years I attended his usrah off and on but also got involved in a charity movement he was an advisor to called @teachfortheneeds whereby I briefly taught and spoke about English in our society.
Sasha menceritakan keterujaan semasa menghadiri majlis ilmu yang pernah diceramahkan Dr Maszlee. Malah, isteri kepada Dr Maszle sendiri tidak pernah menilai sebarang pendapat yang dibualkan pelakon ini. Mereka saling menerima dan berkongsi pendapat. Sasha juga melihat semangat ada pada diri Dr Maszlee yang mahukan perubahan seiring era kerajaan baru.
Anak-anak perlukan perubahan
Ladies and gentlemen, when I first heard that @chedetofficial was going to be the new education minister I was over the moon like everyone else and disappointed when he announced that he was giving up the post. However upon hearing that Dr Maszlee had been chosen to replace him, I knew that the right choice had been made. We need someone who cares. Who’s truly concerned about our children’s education and making a change. Someone broad minded, compassionate and knowledgable about the world. I’m not talking about just our children but the children who really need help. Children who struggle to go to school everyday without enough food in their stomachs or even shoes on their feet. Children who have to go to school and then come home to work to help make ends meet for their families. We need leaders that have their heart in the right place and God willing Dr Maszlee Malik’s heart is. Let’s give him a chance because the children need a hero and God knows they need it now. To Dr Maszlee Malik good luck and I know you’ll work hard towards making a better future for our children. You got this.
Sasha juga bersetuju apabila Tun Dr Mahathir melantik Dr Maszlee sebagai Menteri Pendidikan bagi membantu sistem pendidikan dalam negara ini. Dia juga mempercayai anak generasi Y mahukan perubahan. Malah, dia mengucapkan selamat maju jaya buat Dr Maszlee dalam mentadbir sistem pendidikan negara sekali gus membawa perubahan yang lebih baik.
Sumber: Sashasaidin