Akhirnya, perjuangan Menteri Belia dan Sukan, YB Syed Saddiq menurunkan umur mengundi dari 21 ke 18 tahun disambut baik dengan dipersetujui 2/3 majoriti ahli parlimen di Dewan Rakyat. Sebelum ini, YB Syed Saddiq turun padang dan berjumpa dengan beberapa menteri termasuk ahli pembangkang demi berbincang isu pindaan Perlembagaan Persekutuan.
Menerusi Facebook Yaakob Osman berkongsi kisah kejayaan disebalik perjuangan Menteri Belia dan Sukan itu. Dia sanggup ulang alik ke Sabah dan Sarawak demi berjumpa beberapa menteri membincangkan pindaan Rang Undang-Undang (RUU) tersebut.
YB SS put his reputation on the line
2/3 majority dalam Parlimen. Saya ingat tanaklah tulis this post. Nanti macam over pulak cerita tentang boss sendiri. But I go against my better judgement just to share with all. Saya masih ingat Kabinet bersetuju untuk membentangkan RUU Undi 18 ini 2 minggu sebelum sidang Parlimen Kali ini bermula.
That only give 2 minggu sebelum bacaan pertama RUU pada 2/7/2019. Menteri and Timbalan Menteri has to do their battle to lobby for votes from all MPs. Getting 2/3 majority is no joke. SPR cannot be seen as campaigning for it as they are independent from Govt.
So much so YB SS put his reputation on the line when he actually met all that need convincing, including Najib. Some condescending remarks can be found all over socmed for the records about that particular meeting.
But he soldiered on. Things get tougher when consensus from the opposition block wanted Pindaan tersebut merangkumi Voters automatic registration and had umur calon. Otherwise they will vote against the bill.
They are many like him in other sectors
Remember RUU on MA63 ? Oppositions voiced their cadangan and it felt on deft ears and the RUU didn’t get 2/3 votes. To make the story short, he managed to get Cabinet, SPR and AG office to agree untuk membatalkan bacaan pertama dan membentangkan semula RUU tersebut inclusive of all cadangan yang diterima.
And in between Akta Belia juga get in the way with some states stating their unsolicited views. And Felo Perdana thingy like a spanar thrown into washing machine threatening to wreck havoc in bigger thing such as Undi 18.
Did you all know he terbang ke Sarawak Sunday night to see Sarawak CM Monday morning? And back to Putrajaya by 3 pm for other matters? Itu contoh what he did to ensure RUU ini get support from all MPs.
I would say great leadership and no nonsense approach by him contributed a lot to the 211 votes for the RUU. And of course the guidance and role of Tun M in it tidaklah boleh diperkecilkan.
He is the paramount example at the age of 26, of why I supported this RUU and Akta Belia, not because he is my Menteri, but because they are many like him in other sectors of the economy not just politic.
We did it together
Sumber: Yaakob Osman