Kebahagiaan keluarga kecil Nabila Huda tidak dapat dinafikan lagi. Sering berkongsi aktiviti keluarga di laman media sosial. Tetapi disebalik momen manis terdapat seribu satu kisah yang peminat tidak tahu mengenai kecekalan dan kesefahaman antara Nabila Huda dan anak perempuannya, Keisha Laila.
Sempena ulang tahun kelahiran Keisha Laila yang ke-9 tahun, Nabila Huda kongsi rasa syukur dan kisah disebalik kasih dan sayang bersama anaknya yang ramai tidak tahu. Memang Keisha Laila ini seorang anak yang baik!
I’m not a perfect mom
Bila tengok semua gambar ni, semua perasaan ada, sebak, happy, sedih. Too many things and memories yang kita go through bersama. We traveled, we cried, we laughed, mummy breakdown, Keisha sentiasa ada. You’re my shoulder to cry. You’re the strongest girl that I ever met in my life! You reminds me of myself when I was young bila mummy go through hard times pada usia yang muda.
I’m not a perfect mom. A lot of people talk behind my back, tell other people, I’m a bad mom, I can’t raise you properly, bad influence mom, rosakkan hidup anak. Yup, it hurts.. but you know me better than others!
Mummy dah bersedia kalau Keisha hilang
You never judge me at all. You never judge my past. Thank you for being in my life. You’ve changed my life. You’ve changed me to a better person.You make me happy. Keisha buat mummy jadi lebih matang. You’re my Best friend. I can’t imagine life without you. But mummy dah bersedia kalau Keisha hilang dalam hidup mummy because I know, one day, you’ll leave me because you wanna chase your dream.
Mungkin cara mummy besarkan Keisha beza tak macam mak orang lain. Sometimes mummy rasa failed as a mom because of my career. Less time at home, banyak mummy sacrifice untuk career mummy. Especially time with family. That’s the hardest part sampai they thought that I don’t care about them.
Melalak bila anak aku cakap macam tu
Only you understand how much I love my career! I’m lucky because you faham. I don’t have to explain, but you always said, “it’s okay, mummy work untuk bayar my school fees, bagi Keisha makan, buy me clothes, buy any keperluan Keisha. Keisha faham mummy. Mummy jaga diri je okay. Ada time mummy rest”
Ishh tak ke aku melalak bila anak aku cakap macam tu. I always told her, walaupun your parents dah separated, kita kena teruskan hidup, don’t blame anyone dan sentiasa memaafkan whoever yang menyakiti hati Keisha and move on. Think about yourself and your future. Mummy akan selalu ada untuk Keisha. Hidup dan mati mummy hanya untuk Keisha. I’ll do anything that makes you happy. Takda siapa yang boleh pisahkan kita.
No matter what happen, we need to stick together okay! No secret, no lies between us. I love you so much. Happy birthday my daughter @lilkupukupu and happy Mother’s Day to me!
Sumber: Nabila Huda