Sejak kebelakangan ini, Shila Amzah sering menjadi tumpuan netizen. Apa sahaja dilakukan pasti mendapat perhatian, contohnya baru baru ini apabila ‘slang’ percakapannya dipertikaikan netizen. Ekoran tidak tahan dikecam, Shila Amzah membuat keputusan untuk menutup akaun twitternya sementara.
Artikel Berkaitan : ‘Poyolah Dengan Accent Dia Tu!’ – Mengaku Tidak Dapat Bercakap ‘Accent’ Lama, Shila Amzah Teruk Dihentam
Terbaru, Shila Amzah meluahkan rasa kecewa terhadap netizen. Dia juga turut mengaku sering dibuli sejak dari kecil lagi. Memang kesian nasib Shila. Harap dia terus bersabar.
Buli siber tidak seronok
He Said, ” You should go back because you have your fans who loves you, there are real people out there who loves you and know your worth.. **** them all who think doesn’t matter..focus on those who genuinely there for you..They can say what they want..They’re just plainly jealous of what they can’t have..That’s all..
Don’t let them win..” .So here I am today.
A new soul.
Cyberbullying isn’t cool..
I feel like I’ve been the easy target for their own entertainment satisfaction..
Evil souls they are..
But, I’m not feeding the trolls anymore, because I’m not coming back to twitter.
It’ll be handled by my p.a.
Menurut Shila Amzah, dia merasakan dia sering menjadi mangsa buli di internet demi kepuasan hati mereka. Dia turut mengatakan tindakan untuk tutup twitter adalah cara terbaik. Dia juga tidak akan kembali ke laman twitter. Selepas ini, twitternya itu mungkin hanya di digunakan oleh pembantu peribadinya untuk tujuan tertentu.
Ia memberi kesan kepada saya – Shila Amzah
Idk why am I being bullied on socmed all the time no matter how hard I tried to be myself..and, it started since 7 years ago..and it’s a never ending story..
I can’t lie how it affected me..
How sad I am..
People constantly make fun of me since I was in school..
Simply because I am ndlalas daughter..they made fun of my dad’s name..
Made fun of My dream to sing..
Me having an american accent back then since high school..
I didn’t go to international school..
Never had an english speaking family..
Education pun SPM je..
But that doesn’t mean that I stopped growing..
I’m learning something new everyday..
Wanted to be a better version of myself everyday..
What makes you different is when you treat everyone with kindness and respect, even those who are rude to you … Be the person that makes others feel special.No matter how educated you believe you are ,
How you treat people ultimately tells everything.
That’s not the ticket for you to feel like you’re above everyone else.
Kesan buli memberi kesan mendalam buat Shila Amzah. Dia turut mengaku bahawa dia dibuli dari zaman sekolah. Dia tidak dapat menipu dirinya yang dia berasa sedih dengan siber buli. Harap netizen di luar sana jangan suka membuli. Hentikan siber buli ini.
Sumber : Shahila Amzah