
Wanita Mangsa Buli ‘Budak SPM’ Buka Mulut, Tertekan Baca Mesej Makian

November 9th, 2019 | by Arini Saleh
Kini Trending

Gara-gara tidak berpuas hati nama keluar di dalam kertas peperiksaan, pelajar SPM telah menyerang seorang pengguna Instagram. Tindakan tidak matang pelajar ‘bergurau’ dengan meninggalkan komen mengutuk Laura Melissa telah mengundang rasa tidak senang pemilik akaun tersebut.

Mana tidaknya, tanpa berbuat apa-apa kesalahan dia menjadi mangsa cyberbully pelajar Malaysia.

Jadi mangsa cyberbully


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Paragliding in the alps ? #France #Paragliding #thermalling #thisgirlcan #thiswomancan #flylikeabird #paraglidinggirls #annecy #lakeannecy

A post shared by Laura Melissa (@lauramelissawilliams) on

Difahamkan, di dalam kertas soalan English, nama Melissa dan aktiviti paragliding digunakan sebagai subjek. Dia dikatakan tersangkut selepas gagal mendarat ketika melakukan paragliding. Siapa sangka, Laura Melissa benar-benar wujud!

Terkejut dengan serangan bertubi-tubi dari individu tidak dikenali, Melissa menerusi posting terbaru memberikan respon ini.

‘Tak ada kena mengena dengan saya’

Hello to all SPM students in Malaysia.

I woke up 2 days ago to find out I’d become very popular in Malaysia and was receiving thousands of messages, memes and comments on Instagram and Twitter. I was linked to a case study in the SPM English exam paper about a 16 year old paraglider called Melissa that had an accident while flying, that every 17 year old in your country had to answer.
As you’ve probably realised by now, the Melissa in your exam paper has nothing to do with me – I simply happen to be a female paraglider – who loves the sport – and whose middle name is Melissa. Since all this started 48 hours ago I’ve had over 150,000 comments, likes and tweets – which – to be honest – is totally surreal… and quite overwhelming too.
A lot of your messages have been beautiful and kind and I’ve been encouraged by their positivity – thank you. I’ve visited Malaysia before and love your country and I’m glad that so many of you are interested in trying paragliding. It’s a great sport.

Menurut Melissa, dia terkejut sejak 2 hari lepas dia menjadi popular dan menerima beribu-ribu mesej serta komen di laman sosial. Dia difahamkan namanya dijadikan case study di dalam kertas peperiksaan SPM dimana seorang remaja 16 tahun dipanggil Melissa kemalangan semasa mendarat. Dia menegaskan, Melissa di dalam kertas peperiksaan tidak ada kena mengena dengan dirinya. Secara kebetulan sahaja, dia juga suka melakukan aktiviti paragliding.

‘Tolong fikir’

However, some of the messages I’ve received haven’t been so nice: nasty messages like these are hurtful and can cause mental health issues. As a 30-something woman, I am old enough to see through this but if I was, in fact, a 16 year old girl, it’s very likely this would be a different story – those who posted these comments should think before they act in future. C’mon, please #haveaheart – we’re all just humans after all. Coincidentally, I’m an artist who works on projects that focus on the fusion of technology and human behaviour and how it impacts on our bodies, hearts and minds. You have given me the most amazing source material for behaviours on social media and an insight into what it feels like to be someone who’s encountered cyber bullying.
As I’m sure you’ll understand, I’m not going to be posting on here over the next few days while this calms down.
In the meantime, I wish you all the best of luck with the rest of your exams!

Bye for now x

#haveaheart #heart #theheartmatters #cyberbullying #malaysia #spm19 #art #artist #british #uk #paragliding #flylikeabird #thiswomancan @fly_sussex_paragliding

Walaupun terdapat komen yang positif, dia juga menerima beribu mesej cacian yang begitu menyakitkan dan boleh menjejaskan kesihatan mentalnya. Bagi seseorang yang berusia 30 tahun sepertinya, dia mampu mengharungi namun bagaimana jika dia benar-benar 16 tahun? Mereka yang komen mencaci sebaiknya berfikir sebelum bertindak. Dia menggesa pembuli mempunyai hati nurani. Katanya lagi, pengalaman ini sangat membantu dalam kajian buli yang sedang dijalankan. Dia juga mengelak untuk memuatnaik sebarang posting sehingga keadaan kembali reda.

Sumber : Laura Melissa

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